Bloomfield Traffic Ticket Attorney

Our Firm has successfully defended clients charged with traffic violation in the Bloomfield Municipal Court for years. If you have been issued a ticket or summons for speeding, careless driving, reckless driving, suspends license or registration, DWI, or any other offense, we will provide a free consultation  and help you make a decision about your situation.

Almost all motor vehicle violations issued under Title 39 will impact you financially. It could also result in a loss of your license or even jail in some instances (DWI and suspended license are two examples). Insurance surcharges, court appearances and inconvenience are all likely, but we can help you to avoid all of these consequences in many instances.

Tickets are issued by both State Troopers and Bloomfield Police in Bloomfield and typically done so on the Garden State Parkway. Many times people ask me if they need a lawyer. It amazes me how frequently my clients say at the end of our case how glad they are that they decided to hire an attorney. There are many defenses, both substantive and procedural, that you may be unaware of.

If you have been charged with a traffic violation, we are available all time for a free consultation. A few minutes could save you years of problems.







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